
What Happens When Children Visit Eye Doctors?

Taking your child to the eye doctor? Doing so may feel daunting at first, but many kids and parents ultimately find the process relatively easy. Eye doctors are often welcoming folks who want to help their patients solve their problems.

The nature of the visit can depend on the services you’re seeking. Getting fitted for glasses or checking for vision problems will be different from visiting an eye doctor to get help with dealing with an infection.

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That said, the process often starts with friendly hellos and getting an understanding of what the patient needs or what challenge they are suffering.

From there, the eye doctor may shift to measurements. Your child might be asked to look at a specific object without blinking, for example. Next, your child may be seated in a chair and asked to look at letters on a screen. One eye may need to be closed. The eye doctor will ask the child to read the letters and may also ask them to describe what they are seeing. For example, if the letters are blurry, it’s smart to let the eye doctor know.

Often, your child’s vision will be tested both at a distance and close-up. Many children suffer from issues with their near vision but have no problem with their distant vision and vice versa. If you have any questions, you can always contact eye doctors before the appointment.

From there, the eye doctor may shift to measurements

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