Wellness Strategies

woman relaxing at the backyard
Chloe Wilson

How to Practice Mindfulness During Stressful Times

Yoga provides a space for tranquility and can be a game-changer during stressful moments. Practicing mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes a day can have profound benefits for mental and physical health.

Substance Abuse
Chloe Wilson

How to Start Your Journey to Substance Abuse Recovery

Seek professional help, including therapists and counselors, substance abuse treatment centers, medical professionals, and online resources. Identify potential triggers for relapse. Create a support system of friends, family and professionals

girl with misaligned teeth
Chloe Wilson

General Anxiety Disorder: Everything You Need to Know About It

General Anxiety Disorder is characterized by excessive worrying about daily life events. Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, medical conditions, brain chemistry, and comorbidities can cause GAD. GAD can have comorbidities, including

happy woman
Chloe Wilson

5 Tips to Enhance Your Confidence and Self-esteem

Maintain body self-image with body treatments, grooming and clothing. Take on challenges to build confidence and self-esteem. Spend time with positive people to gain a more optimistic outlook. Practice mindful

medical expert treating a patient
Chloe Wilson

The Essential Sections of Patient Care

Patient care is an essential field of medicine that helps countless people worldwide every year, requiring knowledge and skill to navigate, empathy, and understanding. Patient onboarding, registration, consent for treatment,

a woman brushing her teeth in front of a mirror
Chloe Wilson

Maximizing Your Nutritional Potential: Best Practices

Maintain good dental health using Herbst Ortho and Invisalign to correct jaw alignment and bite problems. Ensure the right balance of macronutrients, like carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as

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