woman with gum pain

Five Main Reasons For Your Chronic Gum Pain

The gums are an essential part of the mouth, providing support and protection for the teeth. Gum pain is something everyone can experience. However, chronic gum pain is usually a symptom of something else.

You brush your teeth twice daily and floss every night, yet you still have gum pain. Why is this? There are a few possible explanations. Keep reading about five reasons for chronic gum pain and what you can do about them.

Gum Disease

If you have gum pain, the first thing you should suspect is gum disease. Gum disease is an infection of the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth. It is caused by plaque. Plaque is a sticky, icky combination of food debris, bacteria, and saliva. If not cleaned off conscientiously, plaque can turn into calculus (tartar).

Gum disease begins when plaque forms on the teeth at the gum line. If not removed, plaque will irritate and inflame the gums. This can lead to gingivitis, which makes it bleed easily. Gingivitis is a form of gum disease that can be cured with good oral hygiene. However, if gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis is a severe infection that damages your teeth’s bone and supporting tissues. If periodontitis is not treated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss.

There are various ways to prevent periodontitis. First, you need to replace any teeth you’ve lost. Exposed gums can be a haven for bacteria, further exacerbating gum pain. You can do this by getting affordable dental implants. These implants are made from titanium and act as replacement tooth roots, supporting dental prosthetics. It can help protect your gums and keep your mouth healthy.

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits like brushing twice daily and flossing regularly is also essential. It’s also crucial to have regular dental check-ups and cleanings to remove any plaque or tartar buildup.

A woman with Bruxism

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding (bruxism) is another possible explanation for your gum pain. Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth or clench your jaw unconsciously. Bruxism often occurs at night while you are sleeping. However, it can also happen during the day when you are under stress or concentrating on something else.

Bruxism can cause various problems, such as headaches, jaw pain, and earaches. It can also damage your teeth and lead to gum pain. Bruxism can be dealt with in various ways. The most common is getting a mouthguard.


One of the best ways to prevent gum pain from bruxism is wearing a mouthguard at night. These are also called night guards or dental splints. They fit over your teeth and help protect them from grinding against each other. Another way to deal with it is therapy.


Those who experience bruxism are often under an immense amount of stress. This can lead to muscle tension in the jaw, leading to grinding and clenching during sleep. Seeing a therapist can help you learn how to manage your stress and relax your muscles, reducing bruxism symptoms.

Poorly Fitting Dentures or Bridges

If you have dentures or bridges, they could be causing your gum pain if they do not fit properly. Poorly fitting dentures or bridges can rub against your gums and irritate them. They can also cause sores on your gums that are painful and slow to heal. Thankfully, it’s relatively simple to fix this problem, and that’s by adjusting the dentures or bridges.

Sensitivity to Foods or Materials

Allergies or sensitivity to certain foods or materials may also be causing your gum pain. For example, if you are allergic to latex, you may experience discomfort after dental work that involves latex gloves or other latex-based materials such as cement for crowns or fillings. If you think you may be allergic to latex or any other material used in dentistry, talk to your dentist so they can take steps to avoid using materials that trigger your allergies in the future.

Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Side effects from cancer treatment, such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy, can also cause gum pain. These treatments can damage the tissues in your mouth and make them more sensitive. If you are undergoing cancer treatment, talk to your doctor about ways to reduce the side effects in your mouth.

There are many possible explanations for chronic gum pain. The most common cause is gum disease, but other causes include teeth grinding. If home remedies don’t relieve your gum pain, make an appointment with your dentist so they can determine the cause of your pain and recommend the appropriate treatment.

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