woman in pain

Chronic Pain Surgery: What to Consider Before Going Under the Knife

Living with chronic pain can have a significant effect on a person’s psychological health. And if you are one of the millions of people suffering from it, chances are, you know precisely the crucial impact of such on both your health and the healing process following a procedure.

The possible unknown cause of chronic pain combined with the unrelenting nature and uncertainty of its duration frustrates the person suffering from it, frequently leading to stress, depression, or anxiety.

Dealing with such side effects of chronic pain is downright painful physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Thus, the need to undergo surgery is vital and essential. But along with it comes the trauma that the patient may go through before and after the procedure.

So, it’s only fitting that you make and take time to prepare for the big event. Doing so can keep your mind at ease and guide your body through a successful healing process. Planning also ensures a faster and smooth recovery.

What are the first steps you need to take?

To help you feel more relaxed and confident with the procedure, several steps to consider are necessary.

1. Manage your expectations

Accepting the truth, no matter how difficult it is, is the way to open up a better understanding of the world and possibly give you a much better option to weigh things out. Thus, it’s crucial to keep in mind that when it comes to persistent pain, the reduction of such post-surgery is not likely to be 100%.

This means that some people who go through surgeries have a 50-50 chance of improving function and ease from pain intensity. It is a hard pill to swallow, but considering the condition you are going through, know that it’s equally important to include the risk and quality of life outcomes and other management options aside from surgery before arriving at an ultimate decision.

2. Choose wisely

Going through the process of the surgery itself is already a huge risk. Thus, it’s only fitting that you find and hire the best ones to open you up and fix you in the medical field. Are they qualified? Don’t be afraid to ask or do a background check on your physician about their experience performing these specific procedures. Appropriate medical education and training give you a better chance at having a successful surgery. After all, it’s your life and health hereafter that we’re talking about.

3. Check the facility and emergency procedures

Having a complete walkthrough on the medical procedure of the clinic or hospital is one way to grasp the situation better. Is the facility adequately equipped for the surgery? Is the facility licensed? Make sure to check with your state’s health department beforehand and that it is accredited correctly by organizations such as The Joint Commission, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC), or the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAAS)

doctor thinking

4. Know your medical history

Before you go into surgery, it’s advisable to meet with your physician anesthesiologist and communicate your medical history well. This is vital to gather the information that will help administer the proper anesthesia for you. This includes allergies that you may have on specific medication, prescriptions, vitamins or supplements you’re taking, and other medical conditions.

For example, if your family has a history of bad reaction to anesthesia or any pain medication, make it a point to consult a trusted IV clinic. They have several alternatives that will provide intravenous (IV) therapy suitable for your condition and operation, essential to surgical procedures.

5. Learn about the hospital bills

While it’s true that our health and safety should be our topmost priority, it’s also essential to check if your health insurance coverage is to avoid unexpected bills and surprise insurance issues. Ensure who will be involved in your procedure as some insurance plan offers low premiums but limits physicians, which may lead to skyrocketing hospital bills.

Pain is a way for our body to alert the brain that something is wrong and needs utmost attention. Thus, the pain is inevitable. It’s a part of the process that we need to go through regardless of the surgery.

People in pain need to understand this because what they are about to experience could be overwhelming. Doctors, physicians, nurses, and the likes will be there with you every step of the way — explaining everything in detail, giving you options and alternatives, guiding you through healing and recovery. But only you can decide on the proper treatment at the end of the day.

Your decision is important as your health and wellness will be based on it. So make sure that you are mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically prepared. Acknowledge the risk and give it time before you make up your mind.

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