glasses on eyeglass exam paper in eyeglass store

5 Practical Tips for Dealing With Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common eye condition affecting the cornea’s shape, resulting in blurred or distorted vision. It is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea, which refracts light differently than usual. Statistics show that roughly one in three people have astigmatism, which can occur at any age. It is not typically considered a severe medical condition, but it can be irritating and impact one’s daily life. Thankfully, some things can be done to help reduce the effects of astigmatism. Here are five tips to start dealing with astigmatism today.

1. Use an eye patch

An eye patch is one of the simplest and most effective methods for astigmatism. Covering one eye can reduce the amount of light entering your eyes, helping reduce strain and improve vision. An eye patch also helps balance your vision by preventing the images from being distorted due to astigmatism. Additionally, eye patches can be easily adjusted to fit the shape of your face and help reduce any uncomfortable pressure on the eyes.

When using an eye patch, ensure it fits securely and is comfortable for you to wear for long periods. Be sure to adjust the patch to cover your eye entirely and not allow any light in. You may need to wear the eye patch for several hours or even days to see improvements. If you are experiencing any discomfort, discontinue use and consult your doctor.

Finally, remember that an eye patch is not a permanent solution and should only be used temporarily while seeking medical help. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by your doctor for the best results. With this in mind, an eye patch can be an excellent tool for dealing with astigmatism and improving vision.

2. Use glasses or contact lenses

Glasses and contact lenses are a great way to address the effects of astigmatism. They can help reduce distortion by adjusting the power of the lens, allowing for better visual clarity. Depending on your degree of astigmatism, your doctor can recommend glasses or contact lenses that will best suit your needs.

For those with mild astigmatism, glasses can be a great option. They are easy to adjust and can help reduce strain on the eyes. Contact lenses, on the other hand, provide more direct vision correction and allow even better visual clarity.

When choosing glasses or contact lenses, visiting a store for eyeglasses is recommended. They can help you find the perfect frame and lens type for your degree of astigmatism. Additionally, they can provide advice about care and maintenance for glasses and contact lenses.

3. Exercises for the eyes

girl suffering from eye strain covering one eye

Eye exercises can also be an effective tool for managing astigmatism. The idea behind these exercises is to help strengthen the eye muscles and improve visual accuracy. Common exercises include focusing on a particular object from different angles, rotating your eyes in circles, or looking at something far away and then up close repeatedly.

When doing eye exercises, taking a break every few minutes is vital. Doing too much at once can cause strain and make the exercise less effective. Additionally, start with exercises that focus on straight-line movement before moving on circular motions, as this will help build up strength in the eyes.

Finally, remember that eye exercises are only meant to aid in managing astigmatism. Consult your doctor for advice on what exercises are best for you and when to take a break. With regular practice, eye exercises can help strengthen the eye muscles and improve vision.

4. Surgery

In extreme cases, surgery may be the best option for treating astigmatism. It can help reduce refractive errors and improve vision by reshaping the cornea. There are different types of surgeries available, such as laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK), photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), and astigmatic keratotomy (AK).

Before deciding to have surgery, a comprehensive eye exam should be done to ensure that it is the right solution for your needs. Discuss the potential risks with your doctor before making any final decisions.

Recovery times vary depending on the type of procedure chosen, but typically, it takes several weeks for the full effects of surgery to manifest. In some cases, vision may improve immediately after the surgery; however, it can take a few days or even months for optimal results. After surgery, follow-up visits with your doctor are essential to ensure that everything is progressing as expected.

5. Adjusting your lifestyle

Making lifestyle adjustments is another critical step in addressing astigmatism. Reducing the strain on your eyes, such as not working too long or taking frequent breaks when using digital devices, can be beneficial. Additionally, proper nutrition and getting enough rest are key factors in maintaining good eye health. Studies show that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and nutrients can help improve visual clarity.

Other lifestyle changes include avoiding looking directly at bright lights and maintaining good posture when sitting or standing. Additionally, sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays and reduce glare.

In Closing

If you have astigmatism, there are a few things you can do to make it easier to deal with. From wearing glasses or contacts to patching one eye, there are options available that can help improve your vision. In some cases, surgery might even be necessary. While making these lifestyle changes might be difficult at first, it will be worth it in the long run when your vision starts improving!

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