person with invisible braces

Invisible aligners; common queries answered

If you are an adult or teenager who has been looking into having your teeth straightened, then it is likely that either your dental team or your online research has led you to look at invisible aligners.

While not a new idea, invisible aligners have certainly changed the face of adult orthodontics and helped thousands of people globally to get the smiles that they want and deserve without drawing attention to their teeth.

If you are looking into invisible aligners as a treatment option, you will likely have a few questions. In this article, 5 of the most common questions that are searched for concerning invisible aligners will be answered. So read on to learn more!

Is it expensive?

Many patients have concerns that because invisible aligners are newer to the world of orthodontic dental care and require more steps than traditional braces to be fitted (such as customised scans and printing), they will be more expensive.

The Invisalign cost London will depend on many factors, including the condition and severity of the orthodontic issue being treated, the expertise of the dentist involved and any adjustments that are needed throughout the duration of the treatment. In short, you will need to attend a dental consultation to get a better idea of how much the aligner may cost.

Is it uncomfortable?

Because it is a clear aligner that does not need to be fitted to the tooth in the same way as a brace, many patients assume that undertaking treatment with an invisible aligner will be, in essence, a walk in the park.

But you must remember that the aligner is designed to move your teeth, so it is well worth investing in some over-the-counter pain relievers when wearing the aligners to prevent any potential discomfort. This is more likely to occur when the aligner is brand new or you are switching between different aligners.

Does it take longer than a standard brace?

dental equipment

It would be incredibly unusual for treatment with an invisible aligner to last for longer than treatment with a traditional metal brace, particularly amongst adult patients.

On average, using a standard or fitted brace can take up to 36 months for an adult patient, whereas an average treatment with an invisible aligner takes between 3 to 6 months for most patients.

What should I do if I lose an aligner?

If you lose or damage an aligner, you will need to contact your dentist to have a replacement sent to you. Do not attempt to skip an aligner; even though all of your aligners may look similar, each aligner plays an important role in the realignment process and should only be skipped under the advice of your dentist.

Can anyone wear these aligners?

Over 90% of all adults and teenagers with dental misalignment problems are suitable to use invisible aligners. But if your misalignment involves your molar teeth, a severe bite issue, teeth that require twisting or teeth that are protruding, then you may be unsuitable for it. For more information, talk to your dentist about suitability.

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