Healthy lifestyle

Why a Healthy Lifestyle Alone Won’t Cut It

A healthy lifestyle is something we all do our best to achieve, giving it our all when going on our morning runs, planning our meals, and even going to the gym once or twice a week. Some of us are still starting out, while others are already making good progress. There’s also the select few who’ve already got amazing results.

However, all this focus on doing fat-burning workouts and eating greens has caused the majority of people to gloss over one key component that ensures their health and well-being are in check. And regardless of how healthy you may seem, forgetting this health principle places a fundamental flaw in everyone’s journey to becoming healthy.

So, any guesses?

That’s right, folks, you need to contact your doctor and get yourself a medical check-up. No matter how healthy a lifestyle you may have, nothing beats professional help. And when it comes to matters of our well-being, it is always better to be safe than sorry—a safety that only a licensed physician can guarantee.

Sure, there is nothing wrong with living an active lifestyle and eating right, and by no means are we trying to downplay their significance in the pursuit of becoming healthy. So, rather than plowing through your meal plans and workouts every single day, give yourself a break and find the time to schedule an appointment with your medical healthcare provider.

On that note, let’s figure out the different medical examinations you need to complete that health and wellness plan. We strongly suggest that you get a comprehensive full physical check-up, something akin to Kasih Ibu Hospital’s package services. But you can also get these done one by one if it helps you work around your busy schedule.

1. Physical Exam

Number one on your list, especially if you are active and often go to the gym, is signing yourself up for a physical exam. Also known as a routine test, these examinations can often vary from doctor to doctor—one can be very thorough while others might opt to be brief. Despite that, there are some general things you can expect to happen though:

  • Medical history – To get a better grasp of your health background, a doctor will often choose to ask questions regarding your medical history. From allergies to past illnesses, lifestyle habits to a level of physical activity, all these will vastly help your doctor give you a comprehensive check-up.
  • Vital Signs – After a quick run-through on your background, your doctor will check your vital signs and see if there are any abnormalities. In no particular order, expect these to be checked: temperature, blood pressure, breathing, and pulse rate.

2. Eye Exam

Our eyes are a blessing; they let us see the world in all its beauty, appreciate the smiles of our family and loved ones, and help us get by every day. However, we often pay no medical attention to them until it’s too late. And in this world domineered by devices that emit so much light, your eyes can easily get strained.

This is why second on our list is to get yourself an eye exam because keeping the windows to your soul healthy should be a top priority. During these check-ups, your ophthalmologist will see if any serious issues should be addressed. And just like you see in the movies, you’ll have to read the letters of a chart.

Above all, one reason that makes an eye exam crucial in assuring your health and wellness is that it can often help detect other serious health problems. From diabetes to high blood pressure and even cancer, your routine eye exam can potentially be a lifesaver.

3. Dental Check-up

Closeup of beautiful girl on dental braces check up

Last but not least, you will want to get a dental check-up and let a dentist see just how well you’ve kept your pearly whites. And while your teeth may seem small compared to the other systems in your body, we all know just how painful getting a toothache can be. Plus, it’s always a good measure to practice oral health anyways:

  • Check-up – Your dental professional will look for abnormalities in your mouth. This can include swelling, redness, or inflammation of your teeth, gums, tonsils, and throat. Once all checks out, your dentist will then proceed with the cleaning.
  • Cleaning – Your dentist will remove any built-up tartar and other debris you couldn’t normally remove at home. This is to prevent gum disease and generally maintain good oral health.

Exercise and a balanced diet go a long way to keep you healthy, but to come full circle, never forget to schedule an appointment with your GP or medical healthcare provider. These licensed professionals exist for a reason, and if it’s staying healthy you want, then it’s something they can truly provide.

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