Wellness Strategies

happy kid
Chloe Wilson

How to Stay on Top of Your Children’s Health

With the world as it is today, it’s very understandable why many parents often worry about their children’s health. There’s a pandemic affecting the everyday lives of people all over

woman in a video call
Chloe Wilson

5 Pandemic Hacks to Staying Healthy Without Safety Compromise

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic made U.S. healthcare officials and federal government authorities aware of the different issues with the country’s healthcare system. These problems included interoperability glitches, an insufficient stockpile

woman smiling white teeth
Chloe Wilson

Teeth whitening gels and common misconceptions

There are several methods used for teeth whitening Harley Street, but the biggest factor is the peroxide concentration, which affects how these methods are used, how your teeth will look

dental check up
Chloe Wilson

Can you get dental implants on the NHS?

So you’re browsing your options for restorative dentistry and examining prices? And you’ve tried your local clinic, like dental implants in Clapham? Please keep in mind that most dentists will

happy beautiful woman
Chloe Wilson

The Ultimate Health and Beauty Checklist for 2020

It has been an incredibly difficult year. From COVID-19 turning our worlds upside down to the recession that followed, our lives have been upended in devastating ways. Almost everyone has

man meditating outdoors
Chloe Wilson

How Your Body Benefits from Mindfulness Meditation

We’ve all heard about mindfulness meditation. We know that it’s often associated with yoga. When we think about it, we picture people sitting on their yoga mats with their legs

woman smiling
Chloe Wilson

Invisalign: discreetly changing smiles

It’s not an uncommon scenario: somebody says, ‘Smile for the camera!’ and you grimace and run the other way. You don’t feel like smiling; your teeth are misaligned and it

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