November 2021

Six-step Technique to Reframe Stressful Situations into Something Positive

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, people have been experiencing stress at varying levels. The unexpected events of the global health crisis have taken a huge toll on our lives, whether mentally, financially, or physically. This explains why recent studies found mental health concerns were at a steady rise during the pandemic. We cannot deny our

Six-step Technique to Reframe Stressful Situations into Something Positive Read More »

home workout

Stay Home, Work Out at Home with This Calisthenics

Countless studies have shown that exercising regularly or doing any physical activities are key factors in improving your health. They are also among the proven ways to keep your body, mind, and over health in good shape and could help reduce your risk of developing certain illnesses like cancer, depression, diabetes, and heart diseases. Overall, exercising

Stay Home, Work Out at Home with This Calisthenics Read More »

tired woman

Everyday Activities That Can Lead to Heat-Related Attacks and How to Prevent the Illness

People’s bodies are not built to last extreme temperatures. However, there are times when many people will expose themselves to harsh environments by their doing or otherwise. They might not even know they’re manifesting symptoms of a heat-related illness. Sometimes, it’s already too late to save them from the struggle. According to the Centers for Disease

Everyday Activities That Can Lead to Heat-Related Attacks and How to Prevent the Illness Read More »

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